OSOlink Solutions Web Design and Development Services

Web Design

How Important Is Web Design to a Digital Marketing Plan?

Your website Web Design is often the first point of contact potential customers have of your company and your brand. It only makes sense then that you put your best foot forward and effectively communicate what you’re all about through professional and user-friendly web design.

Web design encompasses a multitude of variables including layout, content, graphics, search engine optimization and conversion rate optimization. While web design is a significant and critical component of your promotional efforts, many businesses forget that it’s just one part of an overall digital marketing plan and should be consistent in look, feel and purpose with your other marketing efforts such as pay per click advertising.

Key Components of Effective Web Design

To clarify with careful consideration of all facets of your digital marketing plan, a solid, well-executed web design serves as the heart of your marketing efforts and has the power to help achieve your organizational goals.

Let’s look at all the various marketing components that good web design can help with:

Great user experience (UX)

If your website chooses to use flashy videos and large images that slow down loading times, visitors will get frustrated and leave. Similarly, if visitors can’t find what they’re looking for quickly, your website’s navigation needs to improve. Creating a user-friendly experience is important to attract visitors and get them to keep coming back.

Consistent branding

First impressions count — how does your website stack up? The look and feel of your website should be consistent with all other marketing materials including whitepapers, product sheets, etc. Is your branding communicating the right message about your business?

A few things to consider include:

  • Logo
  • Colors
  • Font
  • Types of images
  • Overall messaging

Search engine optimization (SEO) and content planning

One of the most common reasons companies overhaul their website is to make it more search engine friendly. Having quality content that isn’t duplicated should be part of every SEO strategy. Duplicate content on multiple pages can kill your search engine rankings. Having fresh, updated content through a company blog is another way to drive traffic to your site and improve your ranking.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action such as purchase a product or sign up for an email list. Effective web design can certainly help improve the layout, text, and online forms to improve your conversion rates and increase sales.


If you have run any pay-per-click advertising campaigns that lead visitors to visit your website, you know the importance of landing pages. Above all the click from the ad to the landing page should be seamless and direct visitors to take a desired action. However, the ad may have a different look and feel from the website, leading to a ‘disconnect’ for the visitor.

Your web design plan should certainly take into consideration the entire user experience from start to finish.

Effective web design certainly ties together various components of your digital marketing plan and helps elevate the user experience to entice them to come back time and time again – a sign of a well-designed website.

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